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Election Day is November 5th 2024

Ohio Republican Party
Republican Party of
Cuyahoga County (RPCC)
Right to Life
Action Coalition of Ohio
Summer in the City Middleburg Hts.
Fri June 14th 6p - 8p
Sat June 15th 2p - 5p
Parma ICC Carnival / 6055 W 130th St
Fri July 5th 4p - 6p
Sat July 6th 2p - 6p
Sun July 7th 3p - 5p
Parma Republican Club
Zig's Pub
1854 Snow Rd., Parma, OH
June 19th @ 6:30
Pleasantview Care Center
Time & Date TBA
For Safe Ohio Communities
Fully fund the police. Our first responders deserve the best equipment we can afford. They deserve to have the support of other officers to cover their jurisdiction. Most of all they deserve the full support of the officials that have been appointed above them. I want to ensure grant money intended to benefit our first responders actually gets spent in the appropriate budgeted year.
Promote legislation to ensure Parental Consent is always part of Ohio's Laws in order to protect the innocence of our children.
For Safe Ohio Schools
For Continued Medical Freedom
Fight the overreach of government into citizens' rights to choose a vaccine; and not be forced into taking experimental vaccines when the governor chooses to empower him or herself.
Protect Free Speech & 2A
NO LEVEL of our government should be able to curtail our rights to free speech, religious beliefs, the right to assemble, or our rights to PEACEFULLY protest our government & disseminate our opinions by whatever means are available.
If our government can find a reason to curtail our right to keep and take hold of our firearms, then no one is safe from government tyranny. NO ONE under the direction of our government should be empowered to control our rights to Free Speech.
David acknowledges that life begins at conception without exception. Human embryos have HUMAN DNA from the very beginning. ALL are entitled to LIFE, LIBERTY, & the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS.
Property Tax Freeze for Elderly
Our Elderly need not be forced from their homes by high property taxes. The longer the elderly stay independently in their homes the longer they can live healthy lives.
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